Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Your Meds Your Choice

My stance on antidepressants is that they help some while harm others. The right antidepressant can ease your mind while a wrong one will wreck it. You just have to try them out to determine for yourself. 

The Mental Health Watchdog, a service of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), describes ANTIDEPRESSANTS are mind-altering and potentially lethal psychiatric drugs designed to treat illnesses not yet proved by any medical means.

When they don't work, you are setting yourself up for worsening of your current symptoms: suicidal ideation, insomnia, headache, anxiety and add other symptoms to your problems.  

For those who become fearful and take off, Drug Withdrawal Syndrome may catches up to them. For mothers to be and new moms who must care for a baby, the effects of these drugs on the baby is unimaginable. If adverse drugs side effects are hard to manage by the mother, how will she care for her baby? The job of motherhood has bestowed on a woman. What risks are women willing to take?

Still, any advocate to advise on saying NO to antidepressants, is irresponsible. Nobody can decide for others about their risks.  Similarly, pharmaceutical companies purposefully convince consumers to choose the drugs they advertise. They persuade customers to say YES. In either case, these are blanket claims for a worldwide of individual problems. It doesn't take much to see the invalidity of either of these projections. Healthcare is an individual choice. Decisions must be made case by case.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Associations Between Color and Mood

Color has long been used to create feelings of coziness or spaciousness. However, how people are affected by different color stimuli varies from person to person.

Blue is the top choice for 35% of Americans, followed by green (16%), purple (10%) and red (9%).

A preference for blue and green may be due to a preference for certain habitats that were beneficial in the ancestral environment as explained in the evolutionary aesthetics article.

There is evidence that color preference may depend on ambient temperature. People who are cold prefer warm colors like red and yellow while people who are hot prefer cool colors like blue and green.

Some research has concluded that women and men respectively prefer "warm" and "cool" colors.

A few studies have shown that cultural background has a strong influence on color preference. These studies have shown that people from the same region regardless of race will have the same color preferences. Also, one region may have different preferences than another region (i.e., a different country or a different area of the same country), regardless of race.

Children's preferences for colors they find to be pleasant and comforting can be changed and can vary, while adult color preference is usually non-malleable.

Some studies find that color can affect mood. However, these studies do not agree on precisely which moods are brought out by which colors.

Despite cross-cultural differences regarding what different colors meant there were cross-cultural similarities regarding what emotional states people associated with different colors in one study. For example, the color red was perceived as strong and active.

Caution: The Science of Inducing Moods

Chemical imbalance is not a hoax. It is as real as vitamin deficiency or lack of insulin. 

Vitamin deficiencies lead to a serious condition called vitamin deficiency anemia. Deficient of folate, vitamin B-12 and vitamin C could lead to a lack of healthy red blood cells, producing many symptoms including:
  • Irregular heartbeats 
  • Unsteady movements
  • Mental confusion or forgetfulness
Lack of insulin, a hormone that converts glucose into physical energy, leaves glucose unprocessed and accumulate in the blood channels, causing diabetes.  Over time too much glucose in the blood can cause serious problems. That's why diabetes can damage one's eyes, kidneys, and nerves. Diabetes can also cause heart disease, stroke and even the need to remove a limb.

Chemical imbalance, one of the documented causes of depression, aside from Lack of sunlight, Genetics factors, Hormonal factors, Medical Conditions, or Stress. Chemical imbalance affects the parts of the brain that manage our mood, thoughts, sleep, appetite, and behavior.

It is believable that the brain would be found not having the right balance of chemicals when a psychopathic condition is analyzed. Chemical imbalance may be real and may be complicated. It must be treated. But how you want to be treated is entirely up to you.