Saturday, March 15, 2014

Don't make your life a garage. idea has not occurred to me before listening to Kevin Cloud, author of the One-Life Solution, a book focus on dealing with an overly busy lifestyle.

I don't know about you, but for a reading addict like I am, the information age has dealt me a bad hand. My initial excitement about getting all the information that I crave for has turned into true exhaustion.

Just a while ago, we were all into multitasking before we hit our dead end with this used-to-be fresh idea. As a mom and a goal pursuer, I've had it. If the trend for anti-multitasking is here, I'm on board.

Experts like Kevin Cloud advocate about setting boundaries and refocus on personal goals. For me, it's about adaptation. We just have too many phone calls, texts, emails, social media messages. Other than that, everything else in our life almost remain the same. It's the tech.

Technologies are suppose to give us convenience. The problem is, it is overwhelming convenience. When EVERYTHING is at your convenience, you are subject to deal with all things at the same time. Can you do that and stay sane? It is humanly impossible.

Tablets and smartphones are great  but making them extensions of ourselves will keep us tied up. No more freedom. They no longer improve productivity, instead they are now a complete distraction and waste of times. 

Here are my solutions:
  1. Visit Social Media "Clubs" only once a week, ideally Saturday/Sunday.
  2. Rout unnecessary calls to a designated voicemail to email service like Google's.
  3. Categorize time: 
    • Weekdays, 
    • Working Hours, 
    • Family Time,  
    • Reserved for Hobbies, and
    • Leisure.
  4. Delegate and ask for help.
Categorize your time will help you make best use of the time you have. Reserve blocks of time for tasks that are important to your job, family and for yourself. 

Networking, leisure and time connecting with friends on social media are now a part of your social life, but it can't be all about your life. But, despite our different viewpoints, this blog page is partly inspired by Kevin. His analogy about "making your life a garage" says it best about how stressful we all really are.

That's my five cents folks. Please leave comment below if you have other ideas how to unload and de-stress. You don't have to agree with me. In fact I enjoy being challenged by opposing ideas. 

Look forward to hear from you. Thanks for visiting my blog.

My other here.

Day #15,464 


  1. Computer brought us with the 'paperless office. Save time , but risky.

    1. Can't agree more. I don't want to think about it.

  2. Wasted watching reality TV.

  3. I'm stored up by the quantum spacegnomes for an untimely invasion of our lateral thinking.

  4. The more convenient life becomes, the less free time. You'd think logically.

  5. Does not make sense but the universe and its laws do not make sense.

  6. That's how we simple human beings are folks. Thanks for the comments. I'm wiser every day thanks to the real comments you guys make.

  7. Shoot, everyone is stacking up these days, including virtual friends.

  8. My life is a mess, though i was told not to be like that.

  9. Don't procrastinate as a general rule

  10. I've lived like that for a long time.

  11. Why do today what you can do tomorrow. Lol

  12. It's a matter of planning things. One step at a time

  13. Can't wait in life though.

  14. People tend to wait.... for other things to happen. I'm one such victim.

  15. Unfortunately a pipe dream.

  16. Idiots are happiest.

  17. When I figure it out, I may give up the city and move to the mountain.

  18. We certainly are complex beings. We can't even figure ourselves out.

  19. I kicked the habit of being organized at an early age. I hated that I was so organized. I hated that I could remember details of everything.

  20. I have to keep every thing for at least 2-5 years before I even think I want to toss it out.

  21. My friend was on the verge of a breakdown when I discovered the money stuffed in my bra where Id put it so I wouldnt lose it!!

  22. My house is a totally disorganized mess. Can someone PLEASE come help me?

  23. Use a magic house cleaning fairy

  24. What ever you haven't used or worn in a year, throw it away, give it away, or have a yard sale....take it one day at a time

  25. Paperwork can be filed, recycled. A letter thingo-to put opened mail in- is good. Clothes, clean put away in closet and dirty in pile. Just throw away/recycle anything you dont use/need. Throw away any out of date/old food. uummm-dont know the exact extent of disorganisation so cant help more.

  26. Get down on your hands and knees, gloves, disinfectant, binliners at the ready and just clean it. Literally sort your place out, get rid of all the rubbish 1st and then sort other stuff out, fold clothes into piles in fact just put everything in piles and then find a home for it. And then deep cleaning and vacuum.

  27. I will send a bulldozer right away

  28. ahh just take a deep breath,put some energetic music on with a coffee and jus get cracking..take 1 room at a time you'll fine!

  29. I have found that 3stackable bins, labeled: immediate action, read/order items, and to be filed. Have really helped me with this issue of piling. Then I told myself that I would complete at least one item in the immediate action bin each day. It's the first thing I do when I start work each morning in my home office. I also read the book, getting things done by Dave Allen it helped me a lot. I wish you the great peace and calmness that comes from being organized!

  30. In this information age, we need to hold tight onto our inner sense of peace.


About the Author: Susan is a fervent writer based out of Massachusetts. Her writing focus on health and beauty. Susan Summer writes with indepth experience on mental health, nutrition, beauty, real estate, and Asia travel. Susan writes to bring new ideas to her readers. She knows that words have the power to change the world and how we see it.

This blog does not provide information about diagnosing mental disorders. Choosing the right medication, dosage, and treatment plan should be based on individual sneeds and health. All information are for educational aid only. It is not intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatment. It is not a substitute for a medical exam, nor does it replace the need for services provided by medical professionals. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before taking any medication prescribed or over the counter (including any herbal medicines or supplements) or following any treatment or regimen. They are the best source for advice on drug safety and effectiveness.

The use of this information is at your sole risk, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. This blog makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, timeliness, usefulness or completeness of any of the information.